Auto Financier Solutions

Op2ma has been delivering solutions to Auto Financiers in a number of countries since 2008.

In that time, the world of auto retailing has become more complex.

Dealers use to have simple structures, and retail networks were less complicated.

But now many dealers operate with multi-site, multi-brand and often multiple financiers. So many dealers now look like this?

In this landscape, how do Auto Financiers add value and how can Op2ma help?

The first place to start is with Data. Solving Data Complexity for auto dealers is a critical ingredient on driving dealer performance.

multi-site, multi-brand and often multiple financiers.

At Op2ma, we believe there are a number of ways we can help Financiers improve dealer performance as shown in this diagram:

Data is critical to everything we do at Op2ma, and we have a proven track record in financial services for reducing data complexity.

Dealer side technology and Financier side technology
Our suite of solutions will deliver reduced data complexity, increased productivity and ultimately drive finance penetration in dealerships.